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Kungsleden 2011 Day 7


From: Singi
To: between Kaitumjaure and Teusajaure

Oatmeal for breakfast! I'm not as excited about that as I was on the first days, but nevertheless, this is what I get. I had a nice, warm night, despite the wind, but outside, it still looks uncomfortable. So even the weather is in favour of the route to Nikkaluotka. So I started.

crossed streams,

and reached lower ground with higher trees.

And then, finally, reached Kaitumjaure hut!

That settled it, then, since Kaitumjaure is on the way to Vakkotavare, way behind the Nikkalutoka exit. It was a wonderful way, I'm glad I took this path. And since it is just half past 3, I'll not stay here, but go on to find a nice place for the night somewhere on the way. 

That happened to be harder than I thought. The ground was either too swampy or to uneven, but eventually, I found a place. It still was not really even, but doesn't fit my tent nicely in the scenery :)


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