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Kungsleden 2011 Day 5

Highest point of Kungsleden: Tjäktja Pass

From: Valley before Tjäktja
To: Sälka

It was the coldest night on my tour, I used the silk liner for my sleeping bag, put on my warm underwear and it was ok, but this is the limit for my comfort zone! But the sun was shining on the next morning and I had a climb ahead, to Tjäktja hut.

At the hut, I used the privy. This is very comfortable, you can use the facilities at the huts for free. And you can leave your garbage there, which is very convenient, too. I never slept in a hut on my tour, but I stopped at every one and sometimes, pitched my tent near them.
Today I'll go to Sälka hut, which is 13 km from Tjäktja. So it's not a long day, but I'll traverse the Tjäktja Pass, the highest point of the trail with 1150 m.  The path was rocky, I crossed waterways and wooden stays. 

It was beautiful and then around noon I finally reached the pass. It was windy, so I got into the hut for my lunch break.

I have a box with wholewheat bread and some cheese and I'm tired of it! The bread is heavy and I'm not sure if I will really finish the box on my hike. Not something I'll bring the next time! 
On the pass, when I looked south, this was what lay ahead:

I reached Sälka at 5:30 and found no other place to put my tent on the way. So I stayed at the hut, and this was a wise decision, because my gas was used up. I bought a new cartridge at the hut and got to my evening routine of cooking. While eating, I thought about the decision I had to make: should I take the exit at Kebnekaise fjellstation and go to Nikkaluokta or should I follow the Kungsleden to Vakkotavare? #1 would be the safe version, enough time to reach a bus and get back in time for my flight home. #2 would be the real trail, but a longer way and I wasn't sure if I was strong enough to make it in time. 
Tomorrow I had to come to a decision, since I would pass the junction. I tended to choose Nikkaluokta, just to be sure.



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