Last day From: summer bridge behind Teusajaure To: Vakkotavare bus station Today I managed to start at 8:30, half an hour earlier than usual, but I had a bus to catch! I crossed the bridge and was on my way. I saw more reindeer, crossed colorful heathlands while the sun was shining. Then came dark clouds and some rain and really weird light around noon. And then finally lake Akkajaure came into view, together with first signs of civilization: power poles. Shortly before I reached the bus station, I saw this family of snow grouse. How many do you see? I arrived at 1 pm, one hour before the bus would come. I used my last gas to cook my last packet soup. We were 9 hikers who took the bus, 2 of them I had seen on the trail nearly every day. But they had slept in the huts. The bus drive was very nice. The bus driver collected the post on the way aand at one tourist station, there was a 10 minute break where we could by some chocolate in th...